Welcome To My Blog

Photo by Trent Erwin on Unsplash

Welcome to the blog of J.C. Alexandre. Here, I will be posting info and updates on my upcoming novel, The Light Prince: Grail. The book will be published sometime in the near future. If you want to learn more about it, then follow my blog here.

I will also be using this blog to share random thoughts and other cool stuff. What do I mean by that? Anything and everything, essentially. Seriously! If a brain fart pops out of my head, I’m sure to write it down on a blog post. Maybe it’ll be my thoughts on a common writing convention or trope. Maybe it’ll be a review of the latest Disney or Marvel movie. Or maybe I’ll share a YouTube video I recently stumbled across.

Either way, if you want to learn more about me, my upcoming projects, and my general interests, then keep a close eye on my blog. I promise to have something new at least once a week—or two, or three!

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