“The Light Prince: Grail” FAQ


I’ve been frequently asked questions about my upcoming novel. So allow me to answer them in this FAQ:

What is your book called?

The Light Prince: Grail. It’s the first book in my series, “The Light Prince Chronicles.” The name of the book is “Grail.”

What is your book about?

It’s a young-adult fantasy novel. That’s all I’m willing to say about it now. If you want to learn more about it, stay tuned to my website, blog, and social media.

Is your book for children?

It’s a young adult novel, so it’s aimed towards pre-teens and teenagers, primarily between ages 12-18. Older children with a fifth-grade reading level can also read it.

Fair warning: since this is a fantasy novel, it contains plenty of action and adventure, so there will be violence. The violence itself is not very graphic, around a PG-13 rating. So if you’re okay with your children watching a Star Wars or Marvel movie, then they should be safe reading this book.

Is your book for Christians?

While my book is not specifically marketed as “Christian fiction,” it does contain plenty of Christian themes and elements, similar to Chronicles of Narnia or Wrinkle in Time. This book is great for both Christians and non-Christians to read.

Some Christians are hesitant about fantasy novels, specifically those that contain magic. There is magic in my story, but most of it is used by non-human creatures like fairies and elves. The only magic comparable to “witchcraft” or the “occult” is used by the main villain—who, of course, uses evil magic because he’s evil! In short, if you’re okay with magic in a Disney movie, you should be fine with the magic in this book.

When will it be published?

At the earliest, August; at the latest, September. Right now, I’m waiting for my cover design to be finalized. Once my cover is completed, my novel will be published shortly after. I need to make sure all of my ducks are in a row before publishing it. Ultimately, my book will be published when it’s ready to be published.

Where will it be published?

My book will be available for purchase on Amazon as an e-book and paperback. I plan on also publishing it through Ingramspark shortly after.

How much will it cost?

The price has yet to be determined. The e-book will be sold somewhere between $3 to $5, and the paperback will be sold somewhere between $12 to $15.

How can we learn more about it?

The best place to learn more about my novel is through my website. Currently, my official site is under construction, and I am using a temporary site on WordPress. My official website will be launched upon completion. You may also follow my social media on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

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