“Legend of the Light Prince”

The following is the legend of The Light Prince, the eternal sovereign of Arden, from my novel, “The Light Prince: Grail.” Read more about his legendary sword Grail in my debut YA fantasy novel, available on Amazon in e-book and paperback.

Centuries ago, there lived a queen who, because her husband died in a past war, reigned over Arden alone. One day, the court wizard prophesized the queen would give birth to a special child. He warned her to tell no one of the pregnancy, and, once the baby was born, to send it away to be raised in secret. The queen gave birth to a son, whom she bestowed upon the wizard to raise as his own.

Years passed, and no one else in Arden knew of the queen’s son. Arden thrived under the queen’s reign until it was invaded by an army led by the Dark Dragon, leader of the Underworld. The armies of Arden were no match for the demonic invaders. All seemed lost until one brave knight arose and confronted the Dark Dragon in battle. The beast was slain, and vanished along with his army. Sadly, so, too, was slain the brave knight who defeated him.

Arden celebrated their victory over the Dark Dragon, but mourned the loss of their fallen hero. The knight was given a proper funeral. All of Arden attended, including the queen. When she approached his casket, she recognized the knight as her son, and broke out in tears, crying, “This is my son! This is the prince of Arden!” As her tears fell upon his corpse, he became enveloped with a white light, which, once dimmed, revealed the prince awake, his eyes wide open. He stood before the people of Arden, who were aghast with fright: for the prince was dead, but now stood before them—alive! He said unto them: “Fear not, for I have returned to claim my throne and to rule over Arden with peace and love.”

All of Arden rejoiced. The prince reigned over Arden and became loved by his people. Because of his righteousness, he was dubbed ‘The Light Prince.’

Forty years passed, and another miracle occurred: Appearing before his people, the Light Prince ascended into the heavens. Yet the people of Arden did not despair. They knew the Prince now reigned over them from above. Even to this day, Arden has no king, for all know that the Light Prince rules above, watching over his people.

When the Light Prince ascended into the heavens, he left only one item remaining in Arden: his sword, Grail. It is an enchanted blade forged ages ago from adamantine metal and passed down through the lineage of kings. It is the most powerful sword ever created—the one the Light Prince used to defeat the Dark Dragon, and the same sword that will defeat any evil that ever threatens Arden.


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