Da Rules For Comments

Fairly Oddparents Wiki

I love sharing my thoughts here on my blog. I also love hearing everyone else’s opinions on them. If you like what I write, or dislike or disagree with what I have to say, feel free to speak your mind in the comments. Just keep your feedback civil and respectful. So if you don’t want to have your comments deleted or yourself blocked, follow these simple rules:

1) Constructive Criticism Only!

Feel free to share your opinions and criticism, but only if it’s civil, coherent, and thoughtful. That means no spelling or grammatical errors, and no insults or personal attacks. If you can’t express your thoughts without devolving into a vitriolic temper tantrum, your comment will be deleted. And if you continue your bad behavior, you will be sent into the corner for a time-out. No, this isn’t “tone policing.” This is expecting you to act like a decent human being. So act like one!

Also, if you have something to say, please be original. If you have an argument, actually make an argument. Don’t type a word salad filled with talking points and thought-terminating clichés. If what you have to say has been said by hundreds of other people, then it’s nothing worth considering. So don’t expect me to listen! Come up with your own thoughts and opinions, please.

2) No Profanity!

Personally, I don’t have a problem with any of George Carlin’s Seven Words you can’t say on television. But there’s a time and place for everything. This place is not one of those places. So please keep your language PG. If you can’t say anything you wouldn’t say at Disney World, then don’t say anything at all. If you want to cuss and swear, go somewhere else and do it. But you can’t do it here.

3) No Trolling Or Bad Faith Arguments!

Question: if you have an opinion about what I have to say, what would it take for you to change your mind on that opinion? If your answer is, “nothing, because I’m right!”—congrats! You just lost the right to even talk to me. Now, back off!

This blog’s comment section is for good faith arguments and criticism only. No sea lions or angry jacks allowed. No “just asking questions,” whataboutisms, gish galloping, or concern trolling. No trolling of any kind, period. If you’re not asking questions to understand, but rather to be understood, then you’re missing the point of asking a question. Don’t ask questions if you don’t want answers. In fact, don’t make any criticism unless it’s in good faith. Don’t know what that means? Watch this video and educate yourself. Otherwise, I don’t have time to waste “debating” you.

4) No Bigotry Or Hate Speech!

This blog doesn’t tolerate bigotry. No racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, or queerphobia allowed. I don’t care about the “free marketplace of ideas.” Your ideas aren’t worth marketing here. Because they’re not “ideas.” They’re bigotry! If you think it’s your “free speech” to dehumanize other people, go away to Reddit or 4Chan!

This rule also applies to “reverse discrimination.” No, there’s no such thing as “reverse racism” or “reverse sexism.” Only racism and sexism. Sure, calling white people “salty mayo crackers” or straight people “boring” isn’t equal to hundreds of years of systematic oppression, but it’s still a bad thing to do, and I won’t tolerate that nonsense here. If you think you’re being “oppressed” for not bad talking cis-hetero straight white men, go away to Tumblr!

5) Facts Are Non-Debatable/Non-Negotiable!

Here are some facts supported by objective reality: The sky is blue. The grass is green. 2+2=4. The earth is round and revolves around the run. COVID-19 and climate change are real. Black lives matter. Trans rights are human rights. Jesus Christ is the Son of God. The Bible is the Word of God. And Batman vs. Superman is the worst superhero movie ever!

These are not opinions. They are facts. Opinions based on facts are not opinions. They are facts. I have no interest in debating or arguing with you about them. Period. If you disagree, you’re wrong. You don’t have a different opinion. You’re just wrong. No, I won’t waste my time explaining to you why you’re wrong. Google is free!

6) No Spam!

No, I am not interested in hearing about how you make $500/week from your MLM scam. And, no, I don’t believe you are a Nigerian prince who needs my SSN to wire his inheritance to the States. I am not interested in your solicitation, and you will not sell your garbage on my blog. I gave it all the office. Good day, sir!

7) No Complaining About Being “Censored”!

If your comment doesn’t appear in the comment section, or if it was deleted, that means your comment broke one of these rules. If you were blocked, that means you continued to violate these rules. If you don’t want to have your comment deleted or yourself blocked, then follow the rules. It’s that simple.

No, this isn’t “censorship.” This is moderation. And this isn’t “censoring” your “free speech.” Your First Amendment rights only protect you from having your free speech censored or suppressed by the government. It does not protect you from having your speech moderated by private companies or individuals. You have a right to free speech. You do not have a right to a platform. Grow up!

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